The Chillicothe Farmers Market serves more than just Ross County – it has vendors from five surrounding counties, some coming from as far away as Portsmouth…as well as music, demonstrations, and social services.
Participant Mandy Way of “Way Farms” is the Market Manager, and she says they are expanding offerings.
“We have over 25 vendors each week, a variety of products from seasonal fruits and vegetables, baked goods, maple syrup, coffee. We have eggs and meat from chicken, beef, pork, and turkey.
“And new vendors this year include ‘Flossie’s Sweet Tooth‘ with cotton candy. We also have new duck eggs – a vendor with duck eggs. And we also do have several that just specialize in mushrooms, and they’re from Portsmouth and drive all the way up here each week.”
The ongoing summer season can be found in the parking lot of the Ross County Service Center at 475 Western Avenue (near the BMV) most Saturday mornings from 8am to noon. Vendors set up in two rows of pop-up tents…and the crowd can get pretty packed.
Among new events each week in the “Community Tent” is Ohio WIC (Women, Infants, and Children). They will distribute their fruit and vegetable food vouchers. Way says WIC is known for their debit cards, but they also offer the vouchers that are good at markets.
She adds that each week, OSU Extension will offer cooking demonstrations, recipe cards, nutrition…and will even test your pressure canners.
Learn more at ChillicotheFarmersMarket.org. You can also find them on Facebook and Instagram – but Way says to be sure to specify Ohio, or you might be looking at the Chillicothe, Missouri farmers market.