Best Friends and Neighbors Celebrate the First Birthday of their Best Friend Babies

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These cuties are only 3 days apart and best friends since birth! Little Emery and Ellis were both born at Dublin hospital almost 1 year ago, and have seen each other regularly since then. Emery and Ellis’s dads (Colby and Luther) are best friends. Then their wives (Crisitina and Jamie) became friends. Then they became neighbors and became pregnant around the same time. Now, the families plan on celebrating the first birthdays of their children together.

The photos were taken by Julie Day with A Day in the Life Photography to capture images from the first birthday. She said there were “Tons of smiles, giggles, silly parents jumping around to make sure they were looking, and best of all FUN. We always have fun at A Day In The Life Photography.”

You can contact Julie and A Day in the Life Photography at:

All the images are copyright Julie Day and A Day in the Life Photography.


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