COLUMBUS – Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers filed felony drug charges against two Michigan women after a stop in Pickaway County uncovered various drugs, including a dangerous mixture of heroin, fentanyl, and carfentanil often referred to as “grey death.” During the traffic stop, troopers seized 235 grams of methamphetamine, 165 grams of heroin, 54 grams of gray death powder, and 48 fentanyl tablets worth approximately $30,000.

On May 28, 2021 at 3:11 a.m., troopers stopped a 2013 Nissan Sentra with Michigan registration for a speed violation on U.S. 23. Criminal indicators were observed and a Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office drug-sniffing canine alerted to the vehicle. A probable cause search of the vehicle revealed the contraband in the center console.
The suspects, Detroit residents Lashaye Genisis Bowles, 21, and Tahzarai Lashebra Pitts, 25, were incarcerated in the Pickaway County Jail and charged with possession of methamphetamine and heroin, and trafficking in drugs, all first-degree felonies.
In Pickaway County court in April Lashaye Genisis Bowles, 21 was found guilty of Trafficking in Heroin and sentenced to 6-9 years in prison, $7,204.56 forfeiture.

Tahzarai L. Pitts who was arrested by a nationwide warrant recently after skipping court and was in Pickaway Common Pleas today where she was found guilty of Trafficking in Heroin, she was sentenced to 9 to 13 ½ years in prison, $434.00 forfeiture.