OHIO – Like many animals, in the fall and start of winter the Snowy Owl is finishing its migration, but it does not go as south as other birds.

The Snowy Owl spends its summers North, really north in the Arctic Tundra areas where it breeds and spends time defending nests. In the winter the owl flies south into southern Canadian provinces and the Northern US. There are reports of birds going further south but it is more uncommon. Ohio is on the edge of this migration and seeing a Snowy Owl in the Buckeye State can be rare.

“Not too many of them make a 2,000-mile trek from nesting areas,” said the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, “but we usually get a few photos every year.”
But, In 2018, a seeming record number of snowy owls appeared in Ohio. Typically, sightings of the beautiful birds tend to be in the northern parts of the state.

This seems to be holding true year after year as we have had photographers capture the white owl in Pickaway county in 2019, 2020 and now 2021.
Jim Gloyd from Ashville is the latest to capture the majestic bird in Pickaway county on Monday a rare sight in Pickaway county that has become more frequent.
These birds are pretty nomadic in the summer months living solitary and hunting close to waterways, large fields, and open ranges. They will feed in most smaller birds even geese, mice, and larger rodents.