ROSS – Ross County Humane Society is reporting that they have lost some property after thieves stole parts from their vehicles.
According to Ross County, Humane society “at 1:00 am on Friday 12-20-21 a person or persons helped themselves to the catalytic converters off of two GMC trucks that were parked in our parking lot.
“We know times are hard but they are hard for all of us and now we are down to one dog warden truck until new parts can be ordered. This means that stray pick up and other calls are going to be delayed. Please be patient as they have their trucks repaired right before a long holiday weekend. If you know someone who drives an older model 2 door, Ford Explorer like the one in the photo who may or may not have borrowed our property we’d love to know their identity and thank them for taking this issue off of our hands.
Stop stealing kids, Santa knows when you are naughty. You can call the shelter, the Ross County Dog Warden or the Ross County Sheriff Dept with any details to help us track down these individuals.”
Ross Sheriff is asking the community to help identify the vehicle and possible driver information is asked to call Captain Max Adair at 740-773-1185.