Ross County – A 20-year-old woman was arrested and may be charged with arson after a fire in Frankfort.
According to the Ross County sheriff’s office, on 09/09/23 they were dispatched to Third Street in Frankfort for a fully involved structure fire When they arrived they found that the fire had spread to surrounding homes causing minor damage. It took firefighters around 30 minutes to control the fire, and hours to extinguish the embers.
During the investigation, deputies learned that the home had been sitting abandoned for 12 years and no one was supposed to be living there. A neighbor reported that he had found a woman hiding in his camper that was, “heavily breathing.” he had asked her if she started the fire and she said she had.
The deputy who identified the woman as Junella Goodman asked the woman about the fire, She told the deputy that she had been staying at the home for several days and that she was asleep on a couch inside the residence when a candle she had lit must have set the home on fire, because when she woke up the floor was on fire.
Goodman was taken into custody with a previous warrant out of Ross County for assault. Other charges are possibly pending after an Ohio State Fire Marshal investigation.