Circleville Township – The Circleville Township Board of Trustees will hold a public meeting on Monday, September 13, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. at the Pickaway Senior Center located at 2105 Chickasaw Drive, in Circleville Ohio.
The public Metting is to consider a request from LDG Development regarding the rezoning of 20 acres of a 35.047 acre Parcel, Auditor’s Parcel A01-0-001-00-310-37, owned by Circleville Partner Limited Partnership from GI (General Industrial) to SR-2, Suburban Residential (Higher Density) for the purpose of constructing 216 multiple family housing units.
The property is located behind Walmart on Crites road.

The company met once with the board last month, but during the meeting, there were several questions that the company was not able to answer at that time, so the meeting was postponed.