PICKAWAY – Pickaway Common Pleas information for 12/15/21
Elijah J. Beach 19 231 S.East St., New
Holland, OH
Possession of Hashish G 30 months in prison, $14,460 forfeiture
Daniel R. Brown 35 115 ½ E. Mill St.,
Circleville, OH
Theft, Misuse of Credit Card Plead Not Guilty Pretrial 1/14/22
Tiffany N. Cook 39 480 Lancaster Pike, Apt.
28, Circleville, OH Theft Not Guilty Pretrial 1/14/22
Anthony Irizarry 30 6020 Bartlett Ct.
Fayetteville, NC
Extradition to N.C. Defendant waived formal
extradition & was ordered
returned to NC
Ernest C. Haddox 32 540 E. Mound St.
Circleville, OH
Receiving Stolen Property G 30 months in prison, $2,000 restitution
Michelle L. Heasley 38 192 Burbridge Ave.,
Chillicothe, OH
Nonsupport of Dependents G PSI ordered
Thomas L. Jenkins, Jr. 50 21478 Winstead Rd.,
Circleville, OH
Aggravated Possession of Drugs,
Possession of Fentanyl Related
Compound, Possession of Heroin
G PSI ordered
Dawn J. Loudermilk 55 10845 Chillicothe-
Lancaster Pike, Amanda,
Forgery, Passing Bad Checks G PSI ordered
Charles J. Robinson, Sr. 31 344 E. Ohio St., Circleville, OH
Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs G PSI ordered
Timothy J. Wallace 42 412 N. Main St., Lynn, IN Receiving Stolen Property,
Improperly Handling Firearms in
a Motor Vehicle, OMVI
Not Guilty Pretrial 1/14/22
PSI – Presentence Investigation