Home News Ohio US Senator Portman Makes Statement on End of Evacuation Efforts for...

Ohio US Senator Portman Makes Statement on End of Evacuation Efforts for Afghanistan on August 31st


CINCINNATI, OH – Today, U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) released the following statement, following the Biden administration’s decision not to extend the deadline for removing U.S. troops from Afghanistan past August 31:

“It is the responsibility of President Biden and his administration to evacuate every American and Afghan ally who has helped the United States so they can escape the tyranny of the Taliban. The mission is complete then and not a moment sooner.

“I have heard from many Ohio veterans who are concerned over the fate of our Afghan partners and want us to honor our commitment to those with whom they have served. I support that belief wholeheartedly and urge the President to rescind the decision to end the evacuation efforts in Kabul on August 31. The mission is over only when every American and Afghan partner is evacuated, not on an arbitrary, politically driven date.”

President Biden said on Tuesday that he would keep the timeline of August 31st, and says that they are on pace to make it.

“In addition, I’ve asked the Pentagon and the State Department for contingency plans to adjust the timetable should that become necessary,” Biden said.

The president is facing enormous pressure to extend the withdraw from not only Republicans, and his own party, but US Allies in Europe.

The US has evacuated or helped to get 70,700 people out of Afghanistan since Aug. 14, according to figures released by the White House Tuesday evening.