GROVE CITY – You can now get your groceries and get your tags renewed while at the local grocery store.
BMV is now offering a Kiosk in local places for a fast and easy way to quickly renew your vehicle registration.

During the pandemic, the BMV was challenged to operate in a different way, and that changed the look of how this Government entity did business, including services available on the website, online check-ins so people were not standing in line, and now these self serve kiosks.
You don’t need to take a number and wait in line. The average transaction takes less than two minutes. After a successful transaction, a new vehicle registration card and license plate sticker prints immediately

This Kiosk can:
Renew & print an existing vehicle registration & sticker for 1 or 2 years
Print an existing Vehicle Registration & Sticker
Print a Duplicate Registration & Sticker
Check for valid E-check Emissions
It cannot:
Update your address or insurance
Accept Cash or Check
You can check online to find the closest ones, the two closest to Pickaway County at this time is the Grove city Kroger store at 2474 Stringtown Road and the Fairfield Meijer at 6325 S Gilmore Road in Fairfield county.
You can find more info by visiting here: