CIRCLEVILLE – A man was bitten by a dog in Circleville that sent him to the hospital last week.
On December 2, 2021, a man in the area of Moats Ave and Potious Lane called the police after fighting off an aggressive dog. The man states he was in his yard kneeling down when a brown mixed-breed dog came up behind him and bit his leg. When he turned around to defend himself from the attack the dog then bit his arm then left the scene.
Police on the way to the scene found two dogs that were loose in the area in question, a brown mixed dog and a white Great Pyrenese. They followed the dogs through an alley behind Fairview Blvd where they witnessed the dogs being aggressive to two more people but they were able to get to safety before being bitten. Shortly after the owner showed up and explained to police that the kids had left the fence open and the dogs were able to escape.
Police reported that the victim had bites that were pretty deep and wide and most likely would need stitches. Police contacted the Dog warden who could file charges, and the owner could pay a fine, and the dog could be defined as an aggressive dog.