Home News A Conservation Organization has Found Possibly The Largest Osage Orange Tree in...

A Conservation Organization has Found Possibly The Largest Osage Orange Tree in Ohio in Pickaway County


PICKAWAY – A Environmental Conservation Organization called Big Trees Ohio finds and documents extra large tree species all over Ohio. Recently they were in Pickaway to document a monster tree.

The Organization had reports on an extra-large Osage Orange tree growing just outside Circleville. They were interested in this tree because of its over 20 feet circumference (249″ CBH), over average height at 59 feet, and its massive spread of branches. This may contend for the largest of this species in Ohio.

An average completely mature Osage Orange tree only reaches about 40 feet in height, according to Ohio division of forestry.

What makes this tree even more interesting is that Osage Orange trees are not indigenous to Ohio but were introduced in Ohio in the 1800s. The trees were brought to Ohio by settlers for forming a natural fence along farmlands and wind sheers. The tree is native to Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. This tree, at its size and age, could possibly be one of the first settlers in Ohio and even may have been planted by Native Americans.

“Osage Orange loves the prolonged hot and dry conditions of summer, so finding one in extra-large size is rare in Ohio,” said Ohio Forestry.

It has not been determined if this tree is officially a record tree, but for sure, its close right here in Pickaway County. Currently, the location of this tree is unpublished because the homeowner requested, but its location is close to a former town called Jefferson.