CIRCLEVILLE – We’ve had over a dozen messages about Circleville Hydrants being painted to a green-grey color around the North end and people are asking what’s going on.
According to the Public utility director, this is just standard maintenance to keep the hydrants working. Frazier explained that the old paint was no longer protecting the hydrants and needed to be redone.

They are inspected and then bead blasted similar to sandblasted, said Frazier, this removes all the old paint and any surface corrosion the hydrants have over the years. Then they are given a coat of primer, after that dries they are given two coats of epoxy paint. The special paint is very durable and protects the paint.

The paint used is a better paint than was used before to paint the hydrants orange with the green tip. The paint is very cost-effective and will preserve the life of the fire hydrant for many years saving Circleville Money. Hydrants are expensive and this kind of maintenance will keep them for decades.
Martian Painting is responsible for the paint jobs this year, painting 81 of CIrclevilles Hydrants in the next few weeks.
The grey/green color is only the primer color and you should see the orange epoxy coat soon preserving the pumpkin hydrants all over the city.