Circleville – The Probation department is a group of individuals that work alongside the courts, local governments, law enforcement, social services, schools, non-profits and the community to reduce recidivism. These people are aimed at help and accountability needed to create hope and enhance safety.
This week (CELEBRATED JULY 17-23) please help recognize the people who work tirelessly to move the convicted to stability. Probation is an alternative to incarceration and connects services and needs to individuals to successfully help people lead better lives.

According to Jason McGowen Cheif of the Circleville Probation department, “I do believe it is important to recognize our officers that help facilitate change in approximately 1000 adult and juvenile probationers in Pickaway County. Our officers are expected to motivate the unmotivated, teach cognitive skills to those that are lacking, ensure accountability, enforce restrictions, and put themselves in dangerous and volatile situations each day. We have several dedicated officers within the Municipal, Common Pleas, and Juvenile Courts that strive to make our county a safer place to live.”

PPPS Week salutes and celebrates the valuable efforts of over 100,000 community corrections professionals across the country that help supervise close to 6.4 million individuals.

The annual Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision Week(PPPS Week) campaign is a time to engage the public, policymakers, and legislators in recognizing the work that community corrections professionals provide to keep our communities safe. Community corrections professionals oversee persons convicted of a crime outside of jail or prison and are administered by agencies or courts with the legal authority to enforce sanctions. Community corrections include probation- correctional supervision within the community rather than jail or prison- and parole- a period of conditional, supervised release from prison.

Community corrections professionals have helped drive significant, positive changes in our nation, by helping to provide the appropriate supervision and service to the right person at the right time. Monitoring may take the form of home contacts, drug testing, making sure the offender attends treatment sessions, and helping find suitable housing and employment.

Lets give the local department a thumbs up for the help they are doing in the area.
Chief Probation Officer
Jason McGowan
Probation Officers
John Reid
Lacey Stevens
Danielle Puckett
Brian Johnson-ISP
Kort Wolfe-ISP