Circleville – On March 29, 2023, this unit responded to Rodeway Inn room 301 in reference to a female being held hostage by a male with a machete. Before arrival, Circleville Dispatch advised that the caller had dropped off a Female at the room.

A perimeter was set around the room and police attempted to call out the subjects inside the room. SWAT was called to the scene, and rooms adjoining the hotel room were evacuated. Both Pickaway Sheriff and Circleville Police responded and surrounded room 301, and at gunpoint detained one person a female, no one else was reported inside the room.
According to the report a homeless man had been in the room with the 911 caller and had done a tattoo for her. The man and the woman got into an argument over money when the 911 caller arrived to drop off a drink. She reported to the police that just after the caller left the homeless man did also.
On the scene, the woman explained to the police that they were having an argument and, “he just flipped.” She told police that was, “so scary.”
Police attempted to contact the homeless man, but did not know where he was staying or did not have a phone contact for him. Investgation continues on the situation.
Police cleared the scene.