Home News Update: Chillicothe Police Release More Info on Large Drug Find

Update: Chillicothe Police Release More Info on Large Drug Find


CHILLICOTHE – Chillicothe police released more information on a social media post on 33 grams of possible Methamphetamine/Heroin off the streets on the 3rd shift over the weekend.

According to the Chillicothe Police department, the traffic stop that yielded the drugs started on Vine street to High Street when the officer noticed that the vehicle did not have an operating tail light. When the officer engaged the driver, Eric Pettiford he asked for ID and found he was under driver’s license suspension for Child support. The man was removed from the car, but there were several other people in the vehicle.

Pettiford gave permission to search the car, but said it wasn’t his car the owner of the car Garnet Keaton was in the passenger seat, who gave police permission to search.

When police did the initial search they found a crystal rock substance inside of Keaton’s purse, also under the passenger seat was the 33-gram baggie under the seat. Police identified the baggie as a large amount of a crystal rock substance, a small baggie of a brown powder substance, and two orange pills. For officer safety the bag was not

“Based on my training and experience, I believe the crystal substance to be methamphetamine, the brown powder substance to be heroin, and the two orange pills to be suboxone,” said Police.

All of the substances and pipes were seized, photographed, and placed into evidence. The seized substances will be sent to BCI for Chemical Analysis.

At this time police issued Keaton summons # 8618 for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia with a court date of October 18, 2021 at 09:00am in the Chillicothe Municipal Court.

Pettiford was issued traffic citation #37112 for Driving Under Suspension and No License Plate Light with a court date of October 18, 2021 at 09:00am in the Chillicothe Municipal Court.

Further charges for Possession of Drugs will be filed with the Ross County Prosecutor’s Office pending BCI Analysis results.
Investigation Pending.