ROSS – Law Enforcement rushed to the scene of shots fired on 11/7/21 found the suspects but no one was charged yet
According to Ross County Sheriff’s office, 0n 11/7/21 a Sergent was at the RCSO jail to drop off an arrestee when several loud “pops” were heard coming from the area of 19 East Main St. Chillicothe (Cross Keys Bar). The noise sounded like gunfire. OSP Trooper was leaving the jail and immediately went to investigate while the deputy radioed dispatch advising them of the situation.
Sgt. heard the trooper yelling and saw he had people at gunpoint and had no other law enforcement officers with him. Sgt. ran to assist and at different times during this situation the deputy brandished his issued pistol and Taser.
Other responding OSP and city PD units arrived and secured the individuals and the scene. It was determined that the ‘”pops” were
in fact gunshots. Once it was safe to do so, Sgt. returned to his task of securing the arrestee in jail.
This incident is still under investigation, but according to Chillicothe Police, fights had recently broken out at Cross Keys Bar minutes before the shots were fired.