ROSS – A Ross County man called the sheriff department this week and reported that he had fallen for a scam and wanted to start an investigation.
According to Ross County Sheriffs office the suspect advised that he had been contacted by a man who identified himself as John Anderson from Publishers Clearing House and advised him that he had won a large sum of money and two cars in their sweepstakes. John stated that he only need to pay a few fees and taxes by way of money orders to different locations as he sent them to him. The Victium stated that John had contacted him
on several occasions over the last 3 to 4 months and had him send multiple money orders to different people at different locations.
He stated that the last one was sent to an Anthony McDonald at 203 Pine St. Apt #1 in Brooklyn, NY. 11208 in the amount of $1400.00, which he had not sent yet. I was able to confirm for the victim that Publishers Clearing House did not notify winners of their prizes in this way and they most definitely did not collect any money from them directly and over the phone. The Victium stated that he had sent an estimated total of $40,000.00 to different locations over the last 3 to 4 months. Harvey stated that he was going to contact his bank to see what his options were and would contact me and advise what he was able to find out