CHILLICOTHE – Chillicothe police are looking for two men who walked into a home of a man and robbed him at knifepoint.
According to a Chillicothe police report on 12/22/22 they took a report of a man who lives on 5th street that said he was assaulted and robbed. In the report, the man said that he was sleeping in his apartment when two men entered his home through an unlocked door. One man who he reported he knows asked to borrow 200 dollars from him, but when he told the man he couldn’t the man started to look inside his drawers. A fight between the victim and one of the men occurred and the victim said that he took several blows to the head. One of the suspects then took out a knife and told him to unlock his safe while he looked around his apartment for things to steal. The second man, who was armed with a gun took a PS5 that was in the living room. The victim told police that the suspect stole the game system, THC dabs, and money before leaving the apartment.
Chillicothe police reported that they have leads and are investigating the crime but no one has been arrested as of this report.