Circleville – Just after the dust settled in the primary, some questions remained on several seats including the 3rd ward of Council and the Mayor position.
During the Primary election this week three at-large Republican Council members were chosen out of four candidates Katie Logan Hedges (683 votes), Thomas Klitzka (votes 576), and Sheri Theis (votes 671). Tom Spring (votes 499) was the low vote and will not move on from the primary. According to the Board of Elections in that position, there are no other candidates listed, including independents.
The area that may have heated up though is 3rd ward position, according to the Board of Elections, Todd Brady, the current 3rd ward councilperson, ran as a write-in candidate but did not get the required 25 write-ins to make the ballot, and Dominic Ali, who had filed as a Democrat for the 3rd Ward, withdrew his candidacy due to work conflicts, leaving an empty seat until more candidates announced. BOE told Sciotopost that an independent has put in a petition for the 3rd Ward council and at the next regular meeting on the 17th of May they will make a decision on that candidate, also the Democrats may fill the vacancy created by the withdrawal of their nominee for 3rd Ward Council. If two candidates are confirmed they will be voted on in the fall election.
In the mayor position, two Republican candidates faced off during the primary Michelle Blanton (votes 580) and Dave Horning (votes 411) left Blanton to face Democrat Zack Brooks in the General election in the fall, but according to the BOE Brooks withdrew his candidacy for mayor recently. No Independent has filed a petition, but the Democrats may fill the vacancy created by the withdrawal of their nominee in this position also. They have until August 14th at the close of business to assign.
Currently, the BOE has not received any paperwork filed by the Democratic party to fill either of those vacancies.