Home News Pumpkin Show Coverage – Zane Trace’s Addison Platt Wants to Be an...

Pumpkin Show Coverage – Zane Trace’s Addison Platt Wants to Be an Ambassador for Pumpkin Show


CIRCLEVILLE – Zane Trace’s Addison Platt says that she wants to be the ambassador for Pumpkin Show by winning Miss Pumpkin Show.

“I ran for Miss Pumpkin Show because it has always been a dream of mine. In 2013 I was Little Miss Pumpkin Show and I really looked up to Miss Pumpkin Show and her court. At that moment I knew one day I wanted to be Miss Pumpkin Show.”

What people in your life have influenced you to be who you are today and how does that reflect in what you are doing today?

“The people that have influenced me the most in my life are my parents and my brother. They have taught me to be myself, be kind, and live life to the fullest.”

Favorite food for the Pumpkin show?

“My favorite food at the Pumpkin Show is pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream. Favorite things at the show? My favorite things at the Pumpkin Show are spending time with my family and friends watching all the parades and getting to see the giant pumpkins.

What do you think it means to be Miss Pumpkin show?

“I believe that to be Miss Pumpkin Show means you are an ambassador for both the Pumpkin Show locally and throughout the many festivals in Ohio. Being Miss Pumpkin Show requires Leadership and being a positive role model, just as Monica Robinson (Miss Pumpkin Show 2013) and her court was to me.

What are your career goals in the future?

“I plan to continue my college education and get my bachelor’s degree in Health Science. I then plan to attend medical school to become a Cardiologist.”

Addison is a High Honor Student, She attends the University of Cincinnati as a college credit plus student, she has spent three years in sign language, and three years in Volleyball. She is the Varsity Volleyball Captain and a member of Drug-Free Club of America. Her hobbies and activities include volunteering at the Samaritan Purse at the MT Presbyterian Church, Drawing, Painting, and spending time with friends and family.

Addison was the 2013 Little Miss Pumpkin Show Queen, in 2007 she won first place in the Pumpkin Show Baby contest.