Home News Pickaway County – Teays Valley Presents District Growth and Expansion Needs

Pickaway County – Teays Valley Presents District Growth and Expansion Needs


PICKAWAY – Teays Valley informed the public last night on the highlights of the future of the local schools in the area, expanding on significant growth in the district.

In a document shared by the school, the planning team is tracking around 2,000 housing units to be developed just in the Teays Valley School district in the next 3-5 years, with an expectation of a 17.5% to 24% increase in students, (between 747 students and 1,007 students) currently, the school has a total of 4,435 students in Kindergarten to High school.

Currently, teams have been formed to assess the facility and sites for possible capacity reviews and expansion development possibilities. The school is asking for comments/questions and to take a survey on the direction of the schools in the near future.

The presentation is available here: https://growingtvlsd.com/comm-pres-1/?fbclid=IwAR0AmqzMhdzTJRueh1h7V2oL0YlyFYxLhZQDNIJWnfoOc33zqG9Rb2koVyc