PICKAWAY – Just north of South Bloomfield on 104 you can find something pretty a’MAZEing” right now, a field full of sunflowers in full bloom.

Scioto Sunflowers is located at 13832 State Route 104, Ashville, OH and operates a U-Pick sunflower and farm market. The farm sells an experience along with a flower every time you come. For a low price the market allows people to stroll through a field of sunflowers and take as many photos as they want, and bring one home. Sounds pretty amazing huh? Well to make it even better the farm market has now cut a maze through the sunflowers so you can get fully immersed in the field. Along the way they left props for amazing photo ops throughout. Sound like a fun date?

Let me sprinkle in some more fun, the farm plants several different kinds of sunflowers on the property with lots of amazing variations from the standard sunflower you know.

Friday thru Sunday, Sep 16, 17, 18 & Sep 23, 24, 25; 10AM to Sunset Admission is $10, which includes one cut sunflower (5 and under free).They have farmhouse vases for sale $5-$25 to purchase and cut as many sunflowers as you can fit. Fannin’s Farm Market will be set up with fresh produce and pumpkins!

This may be the Pickaway county fall event you need to attend year after year. Find more info on it here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071815186263