Pickaway – Pickaway county Law enforcement is teaming up with the Circleville Police department and local fire departments to spread 2022 National Night out to the corners of Pickaway County
Held on August 2, 2022, National Night to Shine is a community-building campaign that brings people together to celebrate the police-community relationship.
Tuesday night several local agencies will come together to offer an amazing time for this community. These agencies will bring equipment and vehicles for display and community involvement. Additional events will include all FREE OF CHARGE, cookout, drinks, snow cones, DJ, K-9 demonstrations, breaching the door, and Police and emergency vehicles. Barthelmes Park from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 2nd.
This year for the first time Pickaway Sheriff will have an event in both Tarlton and Williamsport areas, Circleville Police in partnership will host an event at Ted Lewis in Circleville.
“This year we have partnered with Circleville to spread National Night out to other areas of the county to give them local opportunities,” said Sheriff Hafey, “We hope everyone comes out to spend the day with us.”
Foundations4youth donated monies to all three events for food.
The event in Tarlton will be located at 180 Main street from 6 pm to 9 pm, Tarlton Fire and Box 65 will also be on scene, along with the Sheriff Department
The event in Willamsport will be hosted at 16814 Main street from 6 to 9 pm, Harrison Fire department will be there along with Pickaway Sheriff Department
Circleville Night out will be hosted at Barthelmas Park from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
There will be food, giveaways, and plenty of activities for kids and families at all events.