Central Ohio – Wildlife District One
While working on litter enforcement at Deer Creek Wildlife Area, State Wildlife Officer Josh Elster, assigned to Pickaway County, State Wildlife Officer John Coffman, assigned to Fayette County, and State Wildlife Officer Nick Oliver, assigned to Champaign County, observed two groups of anglers dispose of trash on the shore. As the groups left the area, the officers contacted them about the litter. Five individuals were issued summonses for stream litter and ordered to appear in Washington Court House Municipal Court. The individuals were found guilty and ordered to pay $150 in fines and court costs.
In October, State Wildlife Officer Jade Heizer, assigned to Fairfield County, attended the Pheasants Forever Southeast Ohio Chapter youth hunt. Pheasants Forever partnered with the Fairfield County Bird Dog Club, which hosted the event. The event gave hunters under 18 years old a chance to hunt ring-necked pheasants with the help of a bird dog. The Fairfield County Bird Dog Club is hosting a Chukar Challenge, open to the public, Dec. 14-15, 2024, and March 15-16, 2025. Participation requires preregistration. Spots are limited, but it is a great opportunity for individuals to learn about upland bird hunting.
Northwest Ohio – Wildlife District Two
State Wildlife Officer Matt D. Smith, assigned to Huron County, contacted several individuals hunting Canada geese in a field. Officer Smith found that one individual was using lead shot, which is unlawful to possess when hunting waterfowl. The individual was issued a summons for hunting waterfowl while in possession of any shot other than nontoxic shot. The hunter paid $225 in fines and court costs in Norwalk Municipal Court.
State Wildlife Officer Reid Van Cleve, assigned to Ottawa County, contacted five goose hunters after he noticed cracked corn amongst their goose decoys. He found that 50 pounds of corn was placed in the field just before the goose season began. All five hunters were issued citations for hunting waterfowl over bait and had their hunting licenses revoked.
Northeast Ohio – Wildlife District Three
While patrolling the Rocky River, State Wildlife Investigator Brian Bury, assigned to Lake Erie, and State Wildlife Officer Zach Hillman, assigned to Summit County, contacted steelhead anglers to check for license compliance. Three misdemeanor summonses were issued to individuals for fishing without a valid fishing license. Each individual was found guilty and sentenced to pay $187.20 in fines and court costs.
Northeast Ohio state wildlife officers refined their defensive tactics with the help of the ODNR training team and several local agencies led by the Geauga County Sherriff’s office. A law enforcement training facility was established to allow officers from a variety of law enforcement agencies to train alongside instructors with backgrounds in martial arts. These trainings provide officers a controlled environment to expand their defensive tactics and practice skills vital to law enforcement.
Southeast Ohio – Wildlife District Four
In June, State Wildlife Officer Levi Boggs, assigned to Gallia County, patrolled Crown City Wildlife Area with Wildlife Officer Supervisor Lee Van Allen, State Wildlife Officer Tyler Fields, assigned to Scioto County, and State Wildlife Officer Cole Tilton, assigned to Vinton County. The officers responded to the sound of gunshots and located two individuals firing rifles and handguns. Officer Boggs issued both suspects a summons for discharging a firearm in a nondesignated area. Both suspects pleaded guilty and were ordered to pay $235.
In October, while on patrol at Monroe Lake Wildlife Area, State Wildlife Officer Jacob Parker, assigned to Monroe County, noticed a truck with a dog box in the bed and individuals standing nearby. Officer Parker stopped to talk with the individuals, who were training dogs. For this family, dog training is a way of spending time together and they were excited to share their experience with Officer Parker. Dogs can be exercised or trained on state public hunting areas from September 1 through April 30. From May 1 through August 31 dogs can only be trained or exercised in designated dog training areas. For a list of designated areas and more information about dog training in Ohio visit wildohio.gov.
Southwest Ohio – Wildlife District Five
State Wildlife Officer Trent Weaver, assigned to Montgomery County, contacted an angler along the Great Miami River. Officer Weaver found that the individual did not have a fishing license and issued a citation for the violation. The individual paid $145 in fines and court costs.
State Wildlife Officers Andrew Dowdell, assigned to Butler County, and Micah Collier, assigned to Brown County, recently attended Career Day Trunk or Treat on the University of Cincinnati campus. The officers engaged students with details on their careers and educational requirements to work for the Division of Wildlife. Officer Dowdell also highlighted the recent addition of e-bikes for patrol duties.