The National FFA Convention is right around the corner and the Amanda-Clearcreek
FFA Chapter is sending three state winning Career Development Event teams and individuals;
Agricultural Issues Forum, Agricultural Communications, and Job Interview, to compete at the
national level. In addition they have a National FFA Officer Candidate Morgan Anderson. Amanda-Clearcreek is quite possibly the only FFA Chapter in the nation, from the over 900,000 FFA Members in the country, to be sending three teams to a national level CDE.
The Agricultural Issues Forum team won the state competition this past spring and will
be competing on Wednesday, November 1st. The team consists of senior Madelyon Anderson,
juniors Madison Cordle and Caidyn Garee, and sophomores Catherine Buckley and Emma Strickler. In this Career Development Event, the team picks a topic in agriculture and weighs the pros and cons to create an informative presentation as well as portfolio. The other state winning team from A-C is the Agricultural Communications team that competed and won the state level competition over the winter. The team is composed of Emily Buckley, Riley Mckeska, Rachel Weaver and Hannah Saum. The team uses a variety of different media to showcase different aspects of agriculture. Three of these girls were seniors last year so they will be coming back from college to compete. A-C FFA Member and OSU freshman, Jillian Bennet will be representing Ohio FFA at the national Employment Skills competition. She is also returning from college to compete individually.
Morgan Anderson is this year’s Ohio National FFA Officer Candidate. She will be competing against 35 other candidates from other states across the nation to become one of the six National FFA Officers. In order to be selected Morgan had to be a previous state FFA officer, earn an American FFA Degree and go through multiple stages of an interview procedure. This is a very rigorous process, so congratulations to Morgan for being selected. The Amanda- Clearcreek FFA Chapter has never had a national officer candidate before. Congratulations to all A-C FFA Members representing the State of Ohio at the National FFA Convention this year and thank you to all those who helped them get there. The Amanda- Cleacreek FFA Chapter is proud to represent Ohio FFA at the national level.