Home News PICCA Still Giving Out Toys for Needy Families

PICCA Still Giving Out Toys for Needy Families


PICKAWAY – Pickaway county Community Action says that they still have toys and are giving them out to people who are in need this season until December 22.

Toys for Tots has received toys from several local communities in the area. One large one recently was the South Bloomfield Topple the Tahoe event that raised 870 donation toys and 950 dollars in cash that the department used at the local Meyers program that helped stretch those dollars even more buying more than a thousand dollars more in toys for the charity.

“There are plenty of toys available,” said a PICCA employee, “People just need to fill out a quick application with last months income, a Photo ID, a Birth Certificate or Insurance card for each child.”

This year toys for tots is a little different because of COVID-19 social distancing orders and toys can be selected over the phone. You can contact PICCA at 740-477-1655 or website here: https://www.picca.info/?fbclid=IwAR169Hpgm-NsTNP8SvG8_1iiqODsGs3MNvB1ywTcd974N87-PmXRNbckj7c