COLUMBUS—State Senator Bob Peterson (R-Washington Court House) today announced controlling board approval of $1 million for the construction of a new maintenance shop and boat storage facility at Paint Creek State Park in Highland County. This project will construct a new maintenance shop and office space, consisting of five pull-through bays with heated shop space, an office, kitchenette and open meeting space. In addition, the project will include a new boat storage building for the Law Enforcement staff. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Parks and Watercraft has statewide construction and dredge operations crews that provide large scale maintenance and dredging services for all the state parks.
In addition, controlling board also approved $251,000 for the construction of a new Boater Education Center at the Lake White State Park in Pike County. This project replaces a previous facility that had been removed and will include the construction of a new 2,020 square foot park shelter with storage rooms, restrooms, patios, and a pavilion area. The work is expected to be completed by June 23, 2022. “Well maintained parks contribute to an enhanced quality of life for area residents and help spur our local tourism industry,” said Peterson. “Ohio’s vibrant park system is one of the finest in the nation, thanks to important investments like these.”