In a letter addressed to Chairwoman Liz Walters of the Ohio Democratic Party, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose underscored the urgency for compliance with Ohio’s ballot access deadline in preparation for the upcoming general election.

Dated May 21, 2024, the letter reiterated the requirement under Ohio Revised Code 3505.10 for political parties to certify the names of their presidential and vice-presidential candidates to the secretary of state no later than the ninetieth day before the general election. However, Secretary LaRose expressed concern over the lack of communication from the Ohio Democratic Party or the Democratic National Committee regarding their intent to adhere to this statutory requirement.

Citing the conflict between the August 7, 2024 certification deadline and the date of the Democratic Party’s nominating convention, Secretary LaRose highlighted the need for a resolution to ensure compliance. Previous correspondence had outlined potential remedies, including a change in the nomination date or legislative action by the Ohio General Assembly. However, Speaker of the Ohio House indicated that a legislative solution was unlikely due to a lack of consensus within the Legislature.
With legislative options exhausted, Secretary LaRose emphasized the impending deadline and the need for swift action. Failure to comply would necessitate the exclusion of the Democratic Party’s nominees from the ballot, a consequence Secretary LaRose hoped to avoid for the sake of Ohio voters.
Addressing the Democratic Party’s offer of a provisional certification, Secretary LaRose noted that such a process was not provided for by law. He reiterated the importance of upholding the integrity of the electoral process and urged the Democratic Party to find a solution that aligns with legal requirements and serves the interests of Ohio voters.
In conclusion, Secretary LaRose called for prompt action from the Ohio Democratic Party to resolve the conflict and ensure clarity in election preparations. The letter reflects Secretary LaRose’s commitment to upholding the law and facilitating a fair and transparent electoral process for all Ohioans.