Circleville – It happened again, a random stranger paid for someone’s bill, but this time in Circleville
We reported over the weekend that a man who wanted to remain autonomous went into Chillicothe Walmart and paid thousands of dollars of other people’s bills just for the joy of Christmas. On December 18th it happened again at the Circleville Walmart.
We cannot confirm the id of this newest man who decided to spread Christmas joy was the same as the man from Chillicothe, but the details are similar.
According to Kim Stewart she was in Circleville Walmart shopping and when she checked out and was finishing up, a gentleman behind her in line said, “I’ve got this.” and paid for her bill. A total of around 200 dollars. Kim said that she started crying because it was such an emotional situation, then she thanked him and wished him a Merry Christmas.