OHIO – Ohio’s 2023 is historic with the passing of legalizing recreational marijuana, but how will that affect Ohio laws?
All the votes are not quite in yet but Issue two has a commanding 56.27% with 83% of the votes counted
Total Votes Cast3,325,089
Ohioans 21 or older will now be able to buy, possess, and grow marijuana, adding a 10% tax to weed products.
What does that mean federally?
Issue 2 would be a state law ONLY, not a constitutional amendment because of the Ohio legislature would be able to tweak or even repeal it.
According to the proposal, 36% of that 10% tax revenue would be used to: Remedy the harms resulting from the disproportionate enforcement of marijuana-related laws.
Dewine was open about being against Issue 2 saying that he’s worried that the number of crashes will go up, the number of people who are driving under the influence of marijuana will go up. He noted that other states that have legalized recreational saw an uptick in these issues.