Home News From Ross County’s Lincoln Day Dinner: Two More Candidates for the Second...

From Ross County’s Lincoln Day Dinner: Two More Candidates for the Second Congressional District

Derek Meyers and Tom Hwang at the Lincoln Day Dinner of the Ross County Republican Party March 7th, 2024.

Ross County and the Ohio’s Second Congressional District — When Republican Brad Wenstrup announced in November that he was not running again for his seat in the Ohio Second Congressional District, many candidates jumped to the opportunity. There are 11 still in the running.

I decided to interview all of the Republican primary candidates who made appearances at the lunchtime meet-and-greets of the Republican Women of Ross County.

All but two did so, and you can find my stories on them in the Scioto Post. Out of courtesy, I present the two who didn’t: Tom Hwang and Derek Meyers.

At the Lincoln Day Dinner of the Ross County Republican Party March 7th, 2024, all of the Second Congressional candidates present were allowed two minutes to introduce themselves, which I recorded. (They were also asked to answer one randomly drawn question in one minutes, which I did not record.)