The Pickaway County Airport Authority is excited for our upcoming fly-in event on Saturday, September 16th from 10a to 2p.
Like the last two years, they will be giving away hotdogs and hamburgers while supplies last.
This year they are hosting the Kestrel Warbird team who will be selling rides in their T-6 Texan warbird. EAA chapter 9 will be providing Young Eagle rides for children 8 to 17 at no cost. Last year they operated 6 aircraft and flew over 50 kids on their first plane ride during the event.

During the event planes will come and go, and you will experience landings and take-offs, along with dozens of parked planes and pilots from all over the Ohio area.
We have more details and links for the T-6 and Young Eagles rides at our Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/pickawaycountyairport