AMANDA – Fire departments were called to a home that was fully engulfed in Amanda around 2:30 am on Wednesday.
Fairfield and Pickaway fire departments were called in for mutual aid to contain a structure fire that was unknown if anyone was inside. Neighbors explained to first responders that the owners of the home had gone on vacation earlier in the day, but animals were inside.

Sadly we do not know if the pets escaped the home as of now, but we do know of a person who is well known in the Pickaway county community that has lost everything.

Amy Port Robinson told Sciotopost that they left for Florida earlier yesterday for a short vacation to get away from the stress of losing a loved one. They didn’t make it to their destination before they received a call that their house was on fire and it was a total loss.

Amy and Sciotopost are friends we have worked together on many stories, so we are going to share a go fund me to help her get back on her feet. The go fund me has been set up by a family friend and has been checked for authenticity.

Heres the link to the go fund me :
The cause of the fire is still under investigation