Are you a new or experienced gardener? Do you love gardening and like to share your enthusiasm with others? Would you enjoy meeting and volunteering with people who share your enthusiasm? Is becoming a Master Gardener on your “bucket list?”
A Community Open House will be held December 1, 4:30-6:30PM at the OSU Extension Office, 110 Island Rd. Circleville for anyone interested in becoming a Master Gardener.
The Master Gardener Volunteer program of the Ohio State University Extension of Pickaway County is offering a training program for new Master Gardener Volunteers. The series of classes offers 50 hours of training in such topics as Botany, Soils and Fertilizer, Entomology and
Pesticides, Plant Pathology, Plant Propagation, Houseplants, Lawns, Herbaceous Ornamentals, Woody Ornamentals, Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit.
For more information and application information call Lynn at 740-497-4384 or [email protected] or the OSU County Extension Office at 740-474-7534.