Home News Circleville Police Maintain Calm on Thursday, February 8th

Circleville Police Maintain Calm on Thursday, February 8th


Circleville Police Department reported a relatively quiet day on Thursday, February 8th, 2024, with no major incidents or arrests recorded. The provided data primarily indicates routine checks and patrols throughout the city.

Key Observations:

  • Extra Patrols: Officers conducted frequent extra patrols throughout the day, ensuring safety and visibility in various neighborhoods.
  • Traffic Stops: A handful of traffic stops resulted in warnings and one citation.
  • Miscellaneous Calls: Non-emergency calls included a parking complaint, suspicious vehicle check, and well-being check, all resolved peacefully.
  • Domestic Trouble: One domestic trouble report was filed, indicating police intervention in a household conflict.
  • Accidents: Two non-injury accidents were reported and documented.
  • Alarm Drops: Two alarm drops were investigated and deemed false alarms.
  • Other: Officers responded to minor calls like threats/harassment reports, civil process serving, and a juvenile complaint, maintaining order and resolving issues respectfully.

This snapshot presents a day where Circleville Police focused on proactive patrolling and community engagement, contributing to a peaceful and uneventful Thursday.