PICKAWAY – A Circleville man has been sentenced to prison after taking several law agencies on a wild ride through several towns in Pickaway County
On April 30, 2021 the South Bloomfield Police Department initiated a traffic stop at 9:26 P.M.in the area of Wendy’s on US Rte. 23. The suspect vehicle failed to stop and led Police Officers from the South Bloomfield Police Department, Ashville Police Department, and the Ohio State Highway Patrol in a vehicle pursuit from South Bloomfield to Ashville, through Ashville, and back out to South Bloomfield. The suspect vehicle then went off-road through a field near Renick’s Farm Market. The Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office became involved in the incident at that point. At around 9:36 P.M., the suspect vehicle crashed into a ditch in the field. At roughly 9:37 P.M., it was relayed to the Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center that one person had been detained.
In Pickaway Court on Wednesday Michael Rawland, 32 of Circleville was found guilty of Failure to comply with an order or signal of a police officer. He was sentenced to 30 months in prison and a 10-year ODL suspension.