Home News Chillicothe, Ohio – Sumburger Raises Vintage Sign in Western Ave Location

Chillicothe, Ohio – Sumburger Raises Vintage Sign in Western Ave Location


CHILLICOTHE – Most people who live in Ross County and surrounding know of Sumburger who started the burger business in 1953 on North Bridge Street in Chillicothe.

Last year owners closed the North Bridge street location after Covid mandated social distancing required by the governor because they can not move tables nor do we have space to do so. And finally, the building on Bridge has underserved our needs for years despite all efforts to preserve and renovate. Because of our commitment to quality service and quality dining, we are no longer willing to compromise the Sumburger experience that you have all known and loved because of circumstances beyond our control.

The owners took great care in moving the well-known classic sign and told Sciotopost that it would go back up soon. Well, that day was today, at 11 am on July 7th the company raised the sign again at the Western Ave store bringing some classics with the new store.

To watch the taking down of this sign and the old location that has now been torn down click here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=301450257726288&ref=search