US – Chevrolet has released an emotional ad this season that may start the tears flowing.
The car company released the ad online and across the country but they kept the longer 4-minute ad for youtube. The ad called, “holiday ride” is an uplifting message for the holiday season with many who have faced COVID-19 and lost people over the last year. We have seen division among people, people stuck at home, shortages, and struggle.
The video starts as a man who has presumably lost his wife recently and one of the cherished memories is her old convertible. When he goes to video the Chevy its parking inside a barn, covered in dust, as he sits in it he remembers years past. His daughter sees her father struggling with the loss and makes a phone call to locals who comes and take the car for a full restoration. When dad sees the restored car he gets emotional and drives the vehicle up to his daughter where she gets in and says that’s how mom would have wanted it.
You can watch the video below.