PICKAWAY – Several fire departments are heading to a water rescue around 9:30 pm in Pickaway County on Sunday.

According to early reports, a woman called 911 and told the dispatch operator she was having trouble getting off Big Darby and needed help just before sunset.

At 9:30p a 911 call was received by the Pickaway County Sheriff’s Dept from a kayaker that was lost in the Big Darby Creek. The woman and her dog launched at Trapper John’s Canoe Livery in Darbydale around 2 pm.
The Hilliard woman was not familiar with the creek and had missed the 10-mile stopping point. She was unsure of her exact location, so specialized equipment was used to determine an approximate location.
At approximately 10:30p the woman and her dog were found safe. Scioto Twp Fire Dept, Harrison Twp Fire Dept, and a local homeowner assisted in the rescue.
The kayaker stated, “The kayaker stated “Other then being cold and tired, I’m fine. I’m just so thankful to everyone that helped find me and my dog”.