ASHVILLE – Harrison Fire department was called to local Dollar general from concerned citizens that said that so much freight in the isles may be a fire hazard.
The fire department went to social media to say, “We have received calls about the Dollar General in Ashville. Please understand that we are limited to what can be done. We can only observe that the fire exit is not blocked. Inventory in the aisles is not illegal by fire code. We do not have the authority to close any business that does not have an imminent fire hazard and by law, what they are doing is not an imminent fire hazard.”
The Hiring Manager for the Ashville and South Bloomfield store said that they are having serious staffing issues and are working to bring people into the store for help but currently they are understaffed and struggling to put away the freight in the store.

Staffing issues plague most of the entry-level jobs in the area that include fast food and retail jobs.

A video shared with us shows what people are complaining about here: