LOUSIANA – Hundreds of Ohio electric line workers are heading back home after being on the road working to restore power in wake of Hurricane Ida.
Ohio AEP was just some of the crew that went to the wind-torn state after the massive Hurricane Ida hit the shores. Last week Louisiana reported that over 25,000 linemen were sent to the area to help restore power.
According to power sources in Louisiana, 65,000 people are still without power.
AEP Ohio shared the crew’s workload on their Facebook page and tweets, that said, “It’s not a relaxing weekend for our men and women in Louisiana. Since the peak of Hurricane #Ida on August 30, more than 25,000 line personnel have worked together to restore power to more than 80 percent of impacted customers. But the job isn’t done until the work is finished.”

Today they posted the news that they were coming home, “After almost two weeks away our crews are headed home! We’re grateful for the dedication of our workers, the hospitality of the people of Louisiana and the constant support of families, friends and co-workers back home during the #Ida restoration effort. The job isn’t done until everyone has returned to Ohio safely, so we’re wishing everyone smooth travels as they complete the final stretch of their journey today.”