The Pickaway County Library and the Pickaway County Park District had a great turnout at their Cool Critters Outreach program on Thursday at Canal Park. Approximately 160 people attended to see snakes, a leopard gecko, a red-foot tortoise, a hedgehog, and a bearded dragon. Brian Gill, the owner of CCO, allowed all those who wanted to pet the animals to do so. Not everyone was so inclined.

The Pickaway County Library has a full schedule of programs in June and July that are open to the public at no charge. Reservations for the Whalemobile in Williamsport on June 16 can be made at or by calling the library at 740-477-1644. Science of the Sea will be at the Marvin Webster Memorial Park in South Bloomfield on June 17 with plenty of hands-on activities and the Bookmobile from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. The musical comedian Spoon Man will be at the Main Library on June 28 at 1 p.m. Storytimes happen several times a week.
The Park District is hosting the library’s storytime on June 14 and June 30 at 11 a.m. at Canal Park, 23352 Canal Road, Circleville. The Park District will be discussing fireflies at Canal Park on June 18 at 7:30 p.m. and bugs at Metzger Preserve in Williamsport on June 25 at 10 a.m.

“We worked with community organizations to space out our family programming as much as possible so that activities are spread throughout the summer,” states Michelle Callahan, community relations coordinator with the library. “For example, the library’s youth craft programs are not happening on the same day at the same time as a park program. We wanted to offer as many entertainment options as possible.”
The Summer Events Guide highlights activities throughout the community and is available at the Welcome Center, any library location or at