Home Press Releases 4-H News for March 2018

4-H News for March 2018


Scioto Scrappin’ & More News Report
By Cheyenne Bowling, News Reporter


The Scioto Scrappin’ & More 4-H Club met on Friday, February 17, 2017 at the Havan Home in Commercial Point, Ohio. The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Ambrosia Havan. The American Pledge was led by Avalon Havan and the 4-H Pledge was led by Ally Remick. Makayla Lange did the roll call and members answered by listing an item that they would need in a first aid kit. Makayla Lange read the secretary’s reports from the January 13th, January 21st and January 27th meetings. The reports were approved by the club. The Treasurer’s Report was not available. Kassidy Lange presented her Health and Safety report on Social Media Safety (i.e. Facebook). Members were reminded not to list personal information when using social media. Avalon Havan presented the Energy Report reminding members to conserve electricity by turning out the lights. Ambrosia Havan presented the Community Service Report. The club will be assisting with the Harrisburg Festival on July 27th-29th. Scioto Scrappin’ n More also donated $25 to the Buckeyethon. The club also plans to help with the Scioto Class Reunion on Saturday, May 20th as well as the Pickaway County Relay for Life on September 16th.

Demonstrations were completed by Ambrosia Havan teaching members how to be “green” when planning a party by using reusable plates and utensils instead of purchasing disposable. Avalon Havan taught members how to make trail mix. Anam Havan demonstrated how to make butter which he learned from his Science Fun with Dairy project. Makayla Lange demonstrated how to make a pocket first aid kit. Avalon Havan also helped members understand what it feels like to be impaired by having members thread a nut and bolt while wearing gloves and impairment glasses.

Ambrosia Havan welcomed a guest chef, Damon Drumstra who taught members about recipe development. Damon taught members how to make stir fry. It was delicious and nutritious.

Pickaway County 4-H week was celebrated by the club by displaying posters created by members in the windows of Harvest Healthcare in Commercial Point.

Our next meeting will be on Friday, March 10th. Members will meet at Teays Valley West Middle School to help with the Mother/Son Color Dance. Scioto Scrappin’ n More will handle the food for the evening and help with games during the dance as well as set up and clean up. Kassidy Lange moved to do this event in place of the normal business meeting. Anam Havan second the motion. The motion passed.

Members went on a field trip to the mid-Ohio Food Bank on Monday, February 20th. Members learned how the food is collected and distributed to the community.

The meeting was adjourned with a motion from Makayla Lange and second by Cheyenne Bowling and Ally Remick.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clients on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.


Pickaway Clover Mixers 4-H Club
By Maggie Wilson
On March 11, 2018 eleven members met at the Salem Church. We figured out what day we were going to do a Chipotle fundraiser. Also, to support the construction of the new fair, we decided to buy T- shirts.We had refreshments, and five members did demonstrations. To end the meeting we played Musical Chairs, and the winners won a prize.

Pickaway Clover Mixers 4-H Club
By Maggie Wilson

The Pickaway Clover Mixers met on December 3, 2017. Our secretary called roll and members responded with their favorite Christmas song. We brought in food for our food pantry service project and are planning to help with the soup kitchen. We went over the changes for the 2018 fair and the dates the animals will be tagged.
Sadie Binkley presented her demonstration and new officers were sworn-in, which include:
President: Ashton Cotton
Vice President: Nick Vaginer
Treasurer: Allyson Cotton
Secretary: Clara Wilson
News Reporters: Sadie Binkley, Ella Borland, and Maggie Wilson
Health Leader: Grace Julian
Recreation Leader: Mark Wilson
After refreshments, our recreation leader lead us in a game of fall-over tag.
Our next meeting is January 14, 2018.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clients on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.