Home News BOWLING: Teays Valley Falls Short Against Olentangy Orange

BOWLING: Teays Valley Falls Short Against Olentangy Orange


OHIO – Boys and Girls both lost to Olentangy this week, but only by a small margin.

BOYS Teays Valley – 2078 Olentangy Orange – 2207
The Vikings Bowling team fell to Olentangy Orange on Tuesday, December 1, 2078-2207. Marcus Turner from Olentangy Orange was the match medalist with a 479 series.

Stats: http://cohsbc.com/bwMatchStats.aspx?matchid=161919

GIRLSTeays Valley – 1473Olentangy Orange – 1476
The Lady Vikings fell to the Pioneers 1473-1476. Eve Wicks from Olentangy Orange was the match medalist with a 319 series.

Stats: http://cohsbc.com/bwMatchStats.aspx?matchid=163044