Home News More Ohioans are Carrying Guns than in Years Past in 2021

More Ohioans are Carrying Guns than in Years Past in 2021


OHIO – Ohio’s Law on Concealed Handguns annual report showing that 169,232 concealed carry licenses were issued in Ohio in 2020.

According to the statistics reported to the Attorney General’s Office, county sheriffs issued 98,892 new licenses and 72,340 renewals. Permit holders who wish to renew their licenses must do so every five years.

This is a 27.8% increase from years prior, and 96,892 new licenses are the third-largest in the 16-year-old program along with 72,340 renewals that was also the third-largest. The report said that the state rejected 1,777 applicants that didn’t meet state mandated requirements and revoked 429 licenses for felony convictions and mental incompetence as required by law.

Around 700,000 Ohioans have active licenses in the state. Below is a breakdown of counties that issued the most and least.

To read the entire annual report click here: https://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Files/Reports/Concealed-Carry-Annual-Reports-(PDF)/2020-CCW-Annual-Report