Pickaway County – A fire from a simple piece of paper caused a family to be displaced after a structure fire.

According to Pickaway County sheriffs office, a 911 call came into the system at 11:30 am of a fire inside of a attached garage at 10565 Darby creek road in Orient Ohio. When Firefighters arrived they immediately called for mutual aid as the fire had consumed most of the garage and was working into the home.

According to the report the homeowner was burning some brush in the back yard despite burn bans, and after the wind picked up he decided to stop. He was using some paper to ignite the brush and took it into the garage where he set it down on some cardboard boxes thinking the paper was out. That paper ignited the boxes that spread into the garage, damaged his car in the driveway and into the home.

Firefighters were able to stop the spread of the fire into the home but there was smoke and fire damage inside the home. The garage was destroyed, and a neighbors property had damage to the siding.
On scene: Sterling Joint Medic 374 Tri County Engine 491, Pleasant Twp. Engine 231 and Tanker 231 Tri County Tanker 491 Scioto Twp E/R 401 and E/R 403 Pickaway County Sheriff Hafey and at least one deputy.