Home News Teays Valley Awarder Grant for ROX (Ruling Our eXperiences)

Teays Valley Awarder Grant for ROX (Ruling Our eXperiences)

TVEF board member Nikki Gatens is pictured presenting the check to Langenfeld.  
ASHVILLE – The Teays Valley Educational Foundation recently awarded a $1,500 grant to Teays Valley High School school counselor Mary Langenfeld to provide the ROX (Ruling Our eXperiences) program to TVHS students. ROX is a national nonprofit organization with the mission to equip girls with the knowledge and skills necessary to live healthy, independent, productive and violence-free lives.
“Thank you so much TVEF for assisting us in bringing ROX to Teays Valley. I’m so excited to work together to empower girls to live healthy, independent, productive and confident lives,” Langenfeld said.