Jeanette Gerhart
Pickaway County Master Gardener Volunteers (MGV) held their monthly meeting April 8 at the OSU Extension Office.
Joy Sharp, OSU Extension Education 4H coordinator, gave a presentation regarding OSU’s newly required training for volunteers who interact with minor children, disabled adults and the vulnerable population. This “Abuse Recognition and Reporting” education adheres to Ohio State University’s Policy 1.50, Activities & Programs with Minor Children.
Per the presentation, this policy/training was designed to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone – volunteers, the folks who work with minors and the children themselves. Quotation: “Everyone deserves a safe childhood.”
Kathleen Hall, president, then brought the business meeting to order.
Planning is being done for the Founders’ Day event on June 10. The chairman for the event is Sarah Baehr. Cheryl Harner, guest speaker, is co-founder of Flora-Quest, an environmental educator and a plant, bird and butterfly enthusiast. Suggested reading is her blog, “The Weedpickers Journal,” at
The yearly MGV Plant Sale will be held 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 16 at the Pickaway County District Public Library parking lot on North Court Street. Chairpersons are Jorge and Mary Alice Ripoll.
The MGV’s also will again have an information table at the Pickaway County Farmers Market. The chairman for that event is Jeanette Gerhart.
Details will follow regarding each of these events.
The Master Gardener Helpline, with Erika Wiggins as chairman, is open for business. The Helpline assists local gardeners with answering questions about gardening and horticulture. Call the OSU Extension Office at 740-474-7534 with questions, and a Master Gardener Volunteer will return your call.
The Ohio State University Extension (OSUE) Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) Program is an educational program designed to meet the consumer horticulture needs of Ohio citizens. Its purpose is to train volunteers and utilize their expertise to teach people more about plants and pests, their culture and their importance to the environment and to our quality of life. MGV trainees receive formal training from their county Extension Office covering a wide range of pertinent horticultural topics.
This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal