The 2015 Survivor’s Guide to Winter Challenge is a free, six-week email challenge designed to help participants challenge their health, emotional well-being and survival skills this season.
Those who sign up will receive two weekly e-communications from the local Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Educator containing research-based information. A tracking log will be available for download to help participants document their progress, as well as access to supplemental information available on blogs and Facebook.
A pre- and post-assessment online survey will be used to gather comments to improve future challenges and track members’ progress.
Participants will learn about cooking during the season, beating holiday stress, creating a winter tool kit, staying positive, finding ways to move, cultivating relationships and opportunities, and financial tips.
Interested in joining this online challenge? Follow this link to sign-up online:
You will be enrolled and begin receiving e-communications starting late November. The Challenge lasts from Nov. 23 to Jan. 3, 2016.
For questions, please feel free to contact Michelle Treber, OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Educator in Pickaway County, at [email protected] or 740-474-7534.
This article originally appeared on The Pickaway News Journal